Producers Livestock Auction
Tuesday January 7, 2025
San Angelo-Producers Livestock Auction sold 5441 head of sheep and goats on Tuesday. Wooled feeder lambs not enough to establish a trend. Slaughter lambs sold 15.00 to 30.00 higher. Slaughter ewes sold firm to 3.00 higher. Kid goats sold 20.00 to 30.00 higher. Slaughter nannies 1.10 to 2.20, mostly 1.62 to 1.94. Slaughter billies 2.00 to 2.78.
Wooled Feeder Lambs: none
Slaughter Lambs: 2.46 to 3.68, heavies 2.00 to 3.20
Slaughter Ewes: .90 to 1.30, mostly 1.08 to 1.16
Kid Goats: 2.30 to 4.30 mostly 2.98 to 3.26 with some feeder kids up to 4.50
Top Representative Sales:
David Dennis, Ballinger, 11 hair lambs, 34, 4.05
Javier Garcia, Eldorado, 11 hair lambs, 60, 3.40
Clay Atkins, Christoval, 24 hair lambs, 56, 3.48
Ben Scott, Coleman, 32 hair lambs, 55, 3.63
Ben Scott, Coleman, 63 hair lambs, 63, 3.46
Four Star L/C, Floresville, 54 hair lambs, 64, 3.30
Hodges L/S, Sterling City, 18 hair lambs, 69, 3.30
Seth Harris, Miles, 10 hair lambs, 52, 3.68
Moore`s Ranch, Eldorado, 26 hair lambs, 93, 2.98
Burns Ranch, Eden, 24 kid goats, 41, 4.40
Phyllis Keller, Junction, 16 kid goats, 46, 4.40
Buchholz Cattle Co, Eldorado, 31 kid goats, 56, 3.76
Buchholz Cattle Co, Eldorado, 122 kid goats, 66, 3.46
Buchholz Cattle Co, Eldorado, 52 kid goats, 74, 3.29
Cornelio Mendoza, Sonora, 10 kid goats, 57, 3.65
Double M Ranch, San Angelo, 19 kid goats, 46, 3.65
Emilee Schwartz, Garden City, 12 kid goats, 60, 3.70
Producers Livestock Auction
Thursday January 9, 2025
San Angelo-Producers Livestock Auction sold 486 head of cattle. Compared with our last sale of 2024 calves & yearlings sold near steady, instances of 3.00-5.00 lower on light calves due to the weather conditions. Slaughters cows & bulls sold fully 2.00 to 4.00 higher. Limited numbers of replacement cows & pairs sold fully steady.
Better Quality Steers: 400-600 lbs, 240.00-340.00, mostly 260.00-290.00, 600-800 lbs, 210.00-295.00, mostly 225.00-265.00
Better Quality Heifers: 400-600 lbs, 230.00-340.00, mostly 245.00-290.00, 600-800 lbs, 185.00-260.00, mostly 205.00-235.00
Slaughter Cows: Average to high yield 95.00-115.00, highest yielding 116.00-126.00, few very thin or low yielding 70.00-85.00
Slaughter Bulls: Average to high yield 122.00-138.00, highest yielding 140.00-161.00
Bred Cows & 2 Year Olds: Average quality few singles & small groups medium to heavybreds 1100.00-2300.00 per head
Cow/Calf pairs: Average quality few singles 1650.00-2200.00 per pair
Top Representative Sales:
Caroline Runge, Menard, 3 steers, 538, 324.00
Larry Teague, San Angelo, 4 bulls, 351, 365.00
Sammy Green, Odessa, 3 bulls, 463, 338.00
Jim Kollman, San Angelo, 3 heifers, 472, 339.00
4 D L/S, San Angelo, 2 steers, 500, 320.00
Hagelstein Ranch, Sanderson, 7 bulls, 303, 357.50
Hagelstein Ranch, Sanderson, 6 heifers,330, 335.00
David Wilson, Mertzon, 5 steers, 710, 260.00
Grant Childress, Ozona, 2 heifers, 515, 298.00
E D I Properties, Odessa, 2 heifers, 540, 286.00
Libb Wallace, Sonora, 2 steers, 510, 322.00
Libb Wallace, Sonora, 2 heifers, 595, 252.00
Runge Ranch, Menard, 3 heifers, 597, 257.00
G E Cotton, Garden City, 2 heifers, 628, 246.00
Whitworth Ranch, Doole, 2 cows, 1258, 128.00
Cargile Cattle Co, San Angelo, 2 cows, 1140, 125.00
Reed & Stewart Ranch, Sterling City, 1 bull, 2035, 161.00
Six Shooter Ranch, McCamey, 1 bull, 1910, 160.00